Temptation, how can we overcome it and how can we prepare for it? It was a very hot day and I was thirsty. In the middle of that day I faced a huge temptation to take a case of juice that was in a shopping cart in the middle of a store parking lot. Someone forgot to put it in their vehicle. No one was around so I picked it up… and then returned it to the customer service desk. I really could have used it, but I chose not to take it because taking it would not have pleased God. In Matthew 4:1-11 Satan tempts Jesus to do his bidding and submit to him, but Jesus rejected each temptation. After each temptation He quotes Scripture to combat the specific temptation placed before him. There are four ways that we can address the temptations that come into our lives. First, we need to be aware of Satan’s temptations by being watchful for our own pride and human weaknesses. Second, we need to prepare for temptations by spending time with God and His Word. Third, we will declare that God alone is worthy of our worship. In contrast, Satan’s desire is for us to submit and follow him rather than God. Finally, we need to care for others who are tempted, and point them to Jesus, our savior, who will help them and give them hope. Finally, our view of God will affect our attitude toward others who are struggling with temptations. When we are under the pressures of temptation we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and follow His solutions for life. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that God will give the strength to stand up under the temptations that we face. Do we believe that God is greater than Satan and our temptations? What we believe will affect the way we live.