How often do you read directions? When I much younger I remember being at a meeting with my father. The speaker gave each attender a test with a page full of questions. The instructions were to read everything before beginning the test. I still remember that day. I turned the page and began frantically trying to answer questions before the allotted time ran out. As my time ran out I looked at my Dad sitting calmly, looking around the room. He was done, and I was not. The test was actually a test to see if you would listen to and obey the instructions. I did not listen, and I did not read everything first before beginning. The final line at the bottom of the page said this, “Now that you have read this entire page please write your name at top right corner of the page and wait for further instructions.” In life directions are important, but it also important to have reliable instructions from a reliable source. In Acts 2:41-42 the early church had a devotion and dedication to the Word of God. The apostles taught the Word of God and the new converts were faithful in listening and acting on what it said. Psalm 119:105 teaches us that the Bible contains the words of God that provide clarity in the present and direction for the future. Like a lamp the Bible allows us to see what is at our feet and guides us as we take another step of faith. The problem is that we as people do not listen carefully to instructions. We will often search everywhere else for answers without examining the truth in the Bible and God’s words recorded for us. Like the early church in Acts 2, we need to love the Lord, love His Word, and live His Word. That only happens by listening to His directions.
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