For More See DANIEL
Recently we have just walked through an election, and survived. Elections are time consuming, trying, and tiresome. The difficulty is that in an election process we have a way of looking at our life and seeing all the things that need to be fixed. In our mind they are things that only a political candidate can fix. We just need to choose the correct one, support the correct one and vote for the correct one. In the process we elevate an individual and place our hope in a candidate as the answer to our problems. So what is the solution? First, we need to remember that all people are broken and do not measure up to God’s standard (Romans 3:23). Second, we need to realign our hope. It is easy to trust in the things of power in this life. However, the psalmist David writes that some may trust in military powers, “but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7). Third, we need a consistent message of real hope. If we are a believer in Jesus Christ as our savior, He is to be the source of our hope, and He is to be the source of hope that we declare to others. The winds of cultural change and the ebb and flow of political tides will cause insecurity, questions and even hopelessness. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:24-27 that when we build our life on Him and His word we will have a secure foundation. There are many people who have incorrectly placed their hope in politics, ideologies, and the things of this life. Our message must not be one of political hope, but of hope in Jesus. Will we be the ones who faithfully carry the message of hope in Christ to those who have built their hope on the wrong foundation?
For More See DANIEL
Romans 8
Several years ago a dog was dumped in our neighborhood. She was a dirty, hungry mess and did not trust people. I first noticed her just lying in the road, most likely where her previous owners had dropped her. She soon became the conversation of the neighborhood as various ones tried to catch the dog, feed the dog and some even called the police to catch the dog. Nothing worked. She was lost and alone after being rejected by her previous owners. I decided to offer her a chance at a new life. One where she could belong, be fed and secure. That took time. I started by talking to her and letting her experience my presence from a distance. Gradually she tolerated me, to a point. Next, I introduced food, the tasty treats that enticed her and met her deep hunger for more. I remember tossing the treats and coaxing her closer and closer until finally she was eating out of my hand. As you can guess, the rest is history. I now have a 40 pound ball of fuzz who trusts me and enjoys being with me more and more each day. Is that not what God does for us? We are lost and alone in a world of sin and Jesus pays the price for our sin so we can be set free to live a new life with Him. He saves us from the power of sin and a life ruled by sin. He alone gives us peace and helps us trust Him each day. Finally, by believing in Jesus Christ as savior, we find peace and security in the presence of God as we move from this life to the next. Just like my dog, Jesus seeks to have a relationship with us and save us from sin, give us victory over sin and guarantee our future with Him. For more see ROMANS or QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Romans 8:28
William Payne Stewart was an American professional golfer who lived from 1957-1999. He was at the peak of his career, having won eleven PGA events and three major championships, when he tragically died. At the age of 42 he was killed in an airplane accident because the plane cabin did not pressurize resulting in a lack of oxygen at high altitudes. The plane traveled for hours on auto pilot until it finally ran out of fuel and crash landed. People around the world grieved the loss of this flamboyant golfer who was in his prime. Yet, in the pain, God was at work. You see, Stewart and several others on board that doomed flight were believers in Jesus Christ. Through the sorrow of their passing God brought about His good. Others came to faith in Christ through their death. Often we define good as being what is pleasant to us. However, in Romans 8:28 good is defined in the context of the following verse as being conformed to Jesus Christ. Our conformity is based on confidence in the ultimate goodness of God’s work and His shaping of our character in the process. God works in the lives of those who believe Him to bring about His purposes displayed through their lives. Some of those life events may be peaceful from a human perspective while others may be painful. Ultimately, however long or short, our lives are to be lived to honor God. Though the span of years that God allows us we are to consistently display God’s power at work transforming us into the likeness of His Son. Like pottery in the hands of the potter we are molded and shaped under the watchful eye of our loving Father for the purpose of displaying His greatness. Who is shaping your life? Remember, God’s plans are to bring about His good in your life and display you as His masterpiece. For more see ROMANS or MISAPPLIED SCRIPTURE VERSES Exodus 12
Quite a while ago I had to get my vehicle worked on and the mechanic noticed the parking permit on my windshield and asked, “Are you a preacher?” I responded affirming his observation. At that point he became a bit embarrassed about his poor choice of words at times. I assured him that I was not offended. A short while later I went to pay the bill by providing a debit card. Unknown to us there was a problem with the machine that day. As he scanned my card the machine responded with the message “Redemption.” He looked at me in shock and said, “You must really be a preacher even the machine says so.” The first card did not work so I produced a second, and the same message of “Redemption” appeared. He looked at me with a smile and said, “Well I can’t believe it, I have had redemption twice in one day.” He was amazed that I forgave him and I praised God for the past conversations and His present work in the life of this man. That is worship. However, often we think that worship only happens at church. Worship is much more than what happens one day a week for one hour at church. Worship involves all of life (see Romans 12:1-2). In Exodus 12 God institutes a special feast so the people would continue to remember His powerful action of deliverance from Egypt (1-11). It was to be a joy filled celebration remembering God’s power and faithfulness (14-28). Like the nation of Israel we are called to worship by remembering God’s action of redemption through Christ. In doing so we reaffirm our belief and help others renew their faith in the God of redemption. Let us worship in faith and live to proclaim God’s redemption. For more see FEAR, FAITH & FOLLOWING Colossians 2:13-15, Romans 5:1-2, Romans 8:28-30, 1 John 3:2-3
There is an old saying, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” The meaning of this highlights the special nature of actually holding a bird as compared to just seeing them sitting in a tree. There are actually two instances where I held birds that came down the chimney of my wood stove. One was a duck that scared the living daylights out of me when I went to start a fire. Then in a different house, there were two birds that decided to make a similar journey down the chimney. Comedy would probably best describe me chasing and attempting to capture the birds. I remember asking myself, “Are they really worth saving?” Thankfully, in the end, I was able to watch each of them fly away. Perhaps they were thankful they did not have to pay the price of their mistake. Perhaps they were thankful to be released from the power of the stove that trapped them. Or perhaps they were just thankful to be away from my terrifying presence. For us, salvation is much the same and should lead to a similar response. At salvation God justifies those who believe by faith so they no longer have to pay the price for sin all because of what Christ did on the cross. The believer is released from the power of sin over their life to live a sanctified life being transformed daily by the Holy Spirit. The future is filled with the certain hope of heaven, being free from the presence of sin, and having the process of sanctification finally completed. What glory! Justification, sanctification and glorification form the framework of God’s past, present and future work of salvation for the believer. Our response like the birds is thankfulness for the transformation and freedom of a new life. For more see QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Romans 4
Termites are great little critters that God has designed to consume wood and create new composted soil for new trees to grow in. However, it is not a good thing when termites get into the wood of your house. If you build a new house you will use different termite barriers to keep them out. If you live in an existing house and find termites you need to put a chemical in the ground surrounding your house. This chemical goes into the ground as a liquid and then dries as a crystal. The termites then take the chemical back to the nest and it kills the nest and they do not destroy your house. The home owner must completely trust the unseen work of the chemical. In much the same way we must trust the unseen work of God to save us and make us righteous. In Romans 4 Paul records four ways that Abraham lived a righteous life by faith, completely believing God’s promises and trusting God’s power. He believed God by faith and did not try to work or earn God’s approval through his righteous actions (1-3). His religious practice was a sign displaying his faith in God and His promises (9-12). Third, his righteousness is gained by faith not through heritage or legalistic practice of the law that God gave (13-15). Finally, he was declared righteous by God through his faith by God’s grace (16-25). Like Abraham and the termite chemical we need to trust what we can not see. God is at work to forgive our sin, make us acceptable to Him, and righteous in His sight through our faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Abraham lived by faith and we can follow his example as we live by faith. For more see ROMANS Matthew 28:19-20
The drive to see relatives seems long. In preparation for that drive the question is often asked, “How do we get there?” That may be asked by someone else in the car or it may run through our own mind. In a way need to ask the same question about our own spiritual life. As we start a new year, this is a good time to remind ourselves of what we are to be as believers in Jesus Christ. The Biblical word that describes a follower is a disciple. Thus, a committed follower of Jesus Christ is a disciple of Jesus Christ. What does it take to be a disciple of Christ? If a disciple is a committed follower of Jesus, then a disciple is committed to the message and method of Jesus by copying the model of Jesus. The message is the good news of salvation from sin (Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8-9). The method involves obedience to the commands of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20, 22:37-40). The model for the disciple is Christ himself as the sacrificial servant (Matthew 20:28). We are called to sacrificially serve as disciple makers because people need to hear the message to change their method of living and beliefs to follow the model of Christ in living a new life. With God’s transforming power at work in our life we will see spiritual growth in our life and the lives of others as we serve Him and help others follow Him. For more see Discipleship or Ephesians When we face problems personally or in society we will always hear answers shouted back to us from many different angles. Just the other day I heard someone say that they would control something that they had no control over. How in the world would that ever be accomplished? We as people have come to the point that we confidently believe we have all the answers. We believe that if we use political, social, scientific or even religious means we can solve anything. Is that true? Let’s briefly examine these four ways to solve problems.
Political Solutions We can be easily tempted to join in a political solution because of the influence of the crowd. Political solutions can be immediate with resources to support the change. The problem is that politicians and political climates change and eventually the reason for change may be lost or forgotten. Political solutions do not last because there will always be another need that pops up demanding attention and change. Social Solutions This is a fantastic way to bring change because it feels good to work with others in responding to a need. When there is a need or cause a rallying cry is raised and people respond because it is the right thing to do. The problem is that social solutions have a tendency to address outward needs. Social solutions focus on helping others and many times elevate one person or group above the others in an elitist or snobbish way. Social solutions do not last because people get tired of helping others and many times the money runs out before the problem is solved. Scientific Solutions This is the simple reliance on the facts of science. The facts are always correct because they are based on what we can understand on a human level. These facts and truths make complete sense to our way of thinking. Science is based on experiments that prove knowledge and truth. In this line of thinking science has all the answers and there are no other answers. The problem with science is that it is limited to human capabilities, knowledge and measurements. There are questions that science can’t sufficiently answer that require more than just experimental knowledge. Religious Solutions These solutions tend to take a deeper look at the heart of the person or group in need. Improper actions are changed because of religious beliefs that are promoted and held as guidelines. Religious solutions are based on moral change. People with religious solutions persuade others to try this certain solution because it is the good way to live. The difficulty with religious solutions is that they can quickly turn into rituals or habits with the belief that this practice is what provides the solution to my life problem. The reason for change is lost or forgotten over time in the habit that makes seems to make one better. What is the Solution? By examining each of the previous positions we see strengths but also major flaws. Each of the previous solutions may partially address the need but they do not offer a complete and lasting solution. True lasting solutions are found only through belief by faith in Jesus Christ as savior (Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-9). There needs to be a heart change, a mind change and action change. In Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus states reminds His followers that love must be the central focus. When we truly understand how much God has loved us we will love Him. When we believe and practice that we are loved by God we will truly be able to love others. The passage that Jesus referenced is found in Deuteronomy 6:4-5. It is known as the Shema which means to hear and obey. We are to hear with our total being; heart, soul and mind; and we are to love with our total being. When we love God completely we will be able to love others with the same love that we have been shown unconditionally through Jesus Christ. That is a lasting solution to the many problems that our world faces. People need to know that they are loved by God so they can help others love God as well. Our world has twisted the definition of love to mean many incorrect things that seeks the satisfaction of one person over another. The problems that we see in our world or in our lives can be boiled down to either a lack of love for God, a lack of love for others or a combination of the two. God offers a lasting solution to the problems that we face by loving Him completely and totally and loving others. That is the only way to solve problems and provide a lasting solution. For further thoughts on this subject try reading and studying through the book of Jonah or review some other articles on conflict resolution. Even though Jonah knew God he allowed his personal pride and prejudice to cloud his understanding of how much God loved other people. Watching a playoff game or world series and cheering for our favorite team… Life is exciting as we desperately hope that our team plays well and the other team falls apart. We like to win and we like our team to win. In many ways we live our lives through the success or failure of our favorite team. A perfect example is the joy or elation in the days after the win, or the discouragement and frustration after the loss. As people we respond in much the same way to our disputes and problems with others. The only difference is that we view the conflict as us versus them and we are desperate for a win.
In seeking a resolution to conflicts we must come to a point of reconciliation. People can hang on to the hurts and forget to move to forgiveness. The problem with this is that internalized bitterness does not harm the other person it only kills you slowly from the inside out. Bitterness can lead to isolation and even unexplained health problems. In our twisted thinking we hold on to a grudge in hope of pridefully gaining the upper hand and winning, but it does not work. The solution to bitterness is forgiveness. When we forgive we are able to show grace that is undeserved in the face of the wrongs done against us. When we forgive we are able to display, in a small way, what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. Our sin did not stop God from sending Jesus to pay for our sin (Romans 5:8). Instead, God offered forgiveness and restoration to us even though we were the ones who had sinned and walked away from Him. We can be imitators of Christ by practicing grace filled forgiveness even when others do not seek reconciliation just as God forgave us. So you may think that this is an impossible way to win. That is correct because it is a completely opposite way to think about winning. God’s desire for us is to get rid of all forms of hate and completely forgive (Ephesians 4:31-32). So how do we do this? Ephesians 4:32 tells us to forgive the same way that Christ forgave us. That means forgiveness is given full of grace and without limits that seeks a restoration of right relationships. When we do this we finally realize that winning is found in forgiveness. We have the capacity to forgive because we have been forgiven and understand what forgiveness is. Our role is not to reconcile the other person to us, although that may be a byproduct, but to reconcile them to Christ (1 Corinthians 5:14-21). True forgiveness is a win because it leads to reconciliation. For more see CONFLICT RESOLUTION What do you do if a misunderstanding escalates into a full blown dispute? Something was said or done quite innocently or even unknowingly and it seems like gasoline was just thrown on a fire. There was a huge explosion and now nothing is the same with pieces of a relationship blown up and scattered all over the place. Where do you begin as you try and patch these broken relationship pieces back together? There are a number of helpful tips that we find in the pages of Scripture. The following are offered as tools to use in the midst of a dispute. First, try using a mediator. Some cultures find this to be very valuable in avoiding the shame of face to face conflict. A mediator is a wise person that is called in an attempt to reconcile two parties who are in the midst of a conflict. Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and sinful humankind (1 Timothy 2:5). We need to model our lives after Christ and be that peace making party. If we are personally involved in an unresolved conflict it is always a good idea to call in a wise elder for counsel and help. They can speak with the wisdom of age and the wisdom of an outside perspective. Ultimately we need to use Christ as our mediator and pray about the situation, our involvement, the other party and ask God to help bring a resolution that would honor Him. Next, we need to watch out for words of gossip and attitudes that seek to destroy the other person. Gossip is simply uncontrolled conversation that is not true. By using gossip we ultimately seek to tear the other person down and make ourselves look better. Gossip pridefully betrays a confidence (Proverbs 11:3 & 20:19). When we gossip it makes the problem worse (Proverbs 26:20) by spreading it to the larger community and involving others. Gossip in many ways is like a mold that grows on a piece of food. It will continue to destroy what is good unless it is cut off and removed. We need to correct our attitudes of pride that lead to gossip because others and God will see it for the sinful contamination that it truly is. The third tool is to pray. We often think that prayer is just our conversation with God about us, but God desires that it be so much more. Have you prayed for your enemy, the one you are in conflict with? Romans 12:12 challenges us to be persistent in prayer even for our enemies. Jesus said that we are to love our enemies and pray for them (Matthew 5:44-45). In some ways, this is the easiest solution and yet it is the most difficult. Why? Well, there is part of us that thinks we are better than the enemy and we portray that to God when we pray. We want God to destroy the enemy rather than see them restored. We need God’s perspective and that can be gained through prayer. Fourth, we need to act righteously toward our enemy. In Romans 12, Paul challenges his audience and even us today with three practical steps. The first thing he says highlights our sense of justice for being wronged. Paul says that we should not try and correct the injustice by turning around and acting unjustly (Romans 12:17). Our attitude and consistent desire should be one that constantly seeks to live in peace with others (Romans 12:18). Finally, Paul emphasizes the value of acting in a way that is contrary to conflict (Romans 12:20). When we can show grace and give to an enemy what is not deserved that is when we have truly understood God’s grace that He has shown to us. May God give us the courage and the grace to be problem solvers not problem creators. For more see CONFLICT RESOLUTION Romans 10:9-10
What did you do when something breaks? The other day I had a piece of plastic break on the bottom of my car. I had to pull off the road and use a small piece of rope to tie up the broken part and keep it from banging around as I drove down the road. Right now you could look under my car and see the rope and know that I am telling the truth. You have heard my confession of what I have had to do and you believe that what I said is true. You can affirm the truth and agree with my story because of what you see. As Paul writes this passage he uses the this same idea in relation to salvation. To confess with our mouth simply means that we affirm or agree with something by what we say. What are we to say? Paul says that in order to be saved we need to confess or say that Jesus is Lord. This word Lord simply means master or the one in control. Salvation comes by confessing that Jesus is now the one that is in control of our life and by believing that His is raised from the dead. He died on the cross to pay for sin and He rose from the grave to show His power over sin and death. Without the resurrection the death of Jesus has no power because everyone dies. However, Christ is alive and that is what the believer in Jesus Christ holds on to. So to review, salvation has two parts a confession that Jesus is now the one in control of my life and a belief that is from the heart that God raised Him from the dead. Paul states that when you do that you will be saved. Have you done that? Who else do you know that needs this simple message of hope to fix what is broken and experience new life? Romans 8:31-39
One of my favorite stories is about an elderly couple who seemed to be having a bad morning. The old man was reading the morning newspaper and his wife was banging pans and dishes in the kitchen. She was not happy. Finally she slammed down a plate of food in front of her husband. He dropped the edge of the newspaper, looked at his wife and asked what was wrong. With a little quiver in her voice she looked at him and said, “You never tell me that you love me any more.” The old man thought for a moment and replied, “Well, I told you that I loved you when we got married and if that ever changes I’ll let you know.” That is probably not the best way to handle that conversation, but in the humor of the story I think we can see ourselves and our relationship with God. You see, we have a habit of walking through life and perhaps not recognizing God’s consistent faithful love and care. He shows us the greatness of His love through Jesus and the gift of salvation. At times the difficulties and pain of life may lead us to doubt God’s faithful love and we miss seeing His on going care and provision. It is at that point we begin to doubt that we are still loved. Paul reminds us that nothing will ever be able to separate us from God’s love (39). Right now, you may feel like you are drowning in fear and doubting if God sees you and cares about you. If you believe in Christ as Savior and are trusting Him for salvation you are secure in the love that God has for you. Do not fear. God always loves you and always will. His love never changes. Romans 12:1-8
There was a man who had lived in the woods for many years and did not understand all the changes that had taken place in the world. His friend who had kept up with the changes brought him into town so they could do some business. The friend tried to tell the man about all the new inventions and ways of doing things but the man just could not understand. They arrived at the hotel where they had rooms reserved for the night and the friend tried to explain how the electricity works with power from a generator, to the hotel, to the light switch and then to the light. The man still did not understand. Getting a bit frustrated the friend took off his boots, climbed on the bed and unscrewed the light bulb. He got down and told the man to stand on the bed and stick his thumb in the socket while he turned on the switch. With a quick ZAP the electricity jolted his arm. Hollering and screaming he fell to the bed. His friend turned off the light switch and screwed the light bulb back in. The poor guy on the bed looked at his thumb, then he looked at the light and said, “You will be delighted to know that I now understand electricity! It is powerful and it is very useful in helping me get into bed at night!” We all have been raised to understand the power and usefulness of electricity. We enjoy the benefits of electricity that come right into our homes. There is real power in those lines that feed into your light switches and outlet plugs. But, if you never use the power you will never experience the benefits of having that power in your house. The same is true spiritually. God has has shown His power by making a way to save us. God has given us His power that will transform our lives. We need to plug into Him and humbly use His power to serve and transform the lives of others around us for God’s honor. Romans 9:1-7
It is snowing! Yes, as I look out my window fresh snow is falling and more is on the way. Some may not enjoy it, but I do enjoy the feeling of cold on my face, hands and even toes. It is refreshing and invigorating. My first real job involved shoveling snow off the sidewalks circling a business complex. Most of it was not too hard but when the wind blew, one side of each of the four buildings collected a large snow drift. My job was to faithfully shovel so others could access the businesses. Out of my relationship with my employer I was able to help others. I remember being able to give money at Christmas time to people working in other countries to tell others of Jesus. I was blessed so I could be a blessing. Paul uses his own life as an example in Romans 9:1-5. He understands how God has blessed him through salvation in Christ. Paul also sees that others are not experiencing this blessing because of their rejection of Jesus. His desire is to simply see others know the saving grace found only through trusting Jesus to save them. Paul wanted others to know God’s great salvation so they could be a blessing and tell other of Jesus. Let others see your confidence in Jesus as your Savior as you serve like your savior, telling others of the savior, so they can know the savior. Our sovereign God will reward your faithful service even though at times it may feel like you are shoveling snow drifts. Romans 3:22-24
Ouch! One small pebble in our shoe causes us to stop, take the shoe off and dump out the pain causing offender. The other day I could not understand why the sole of my foot was hurting. I felt a consistent sharp pain with every step that I took. I just happened to stick my hand inside the old shoe and guess what I found? Not one but two sharp unmoving objects. Upon further investigation I discovered that I had stepped on a staple some time back and worn off the staple so it was not visible from the bottom of the shoe. Sin is like that in that it is corruption causing pain on the inside which makes us walk with a spiritual limp on the outside. We all need God’s grace to cleanse us from sin and make us right with Him. I had to grab a pair of pliers that my father had given me to pull out the corroded barbs of the staple. What I could not do personally the pliers was able to do easily. Like using the pliers we are made right with God through the redemptive work of Jesus on our behalf. I needed the gift that my father had given me to fix the shoe. I believed that what he gave was the only solution. I also need the gift of a right standing with God that God the Father offers through Jesus. By faith we accept His gift of grace to deal with our dilemma of sin. Jesus offers salvation that will remedy the pain in your soul. Romans 8:26-30
This past week has been interesting in many ways. We all have seen the news about the spread of the corona virus and then how governments around the world are trying to protect their citizens. To me what is even more interesting is the general response of fear that seems to highlight many conversations. However, have you noticed the few people on the news that have survived the virus? They openly share their experience in order to provide hope and encouragement to the rest of us. That is a picture of what God wants to do through our lives. He wants to change us through our life experiences and use us to communicate the cure and hope that we have found in Jesus. God uses all of our life situations to challenge, change and conform us to be more like Christ. This process is called sanctification and God wants us to trust Him to work out all things according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). He is there to help us pray when we can’t pray (26-27) and work out the process of our growth and conformity (28-30). This week let the world see Jesus in you not the fear of a virus in you. Romans 5:1-11
What do you know about Mother’s Day? Normally it as a time to honor our mother. However, that is not the beginning of the annual holiday as it is celebrated in the United States. In the mid to late 1800’s Ann Marie Jarvis was active in promoting education and sanitation in order to reduce disease and the death of babies. As the American Civil War started she was living in West Virginia and promoted neutrality by pushing the groups she worked with to serve the soldiers from both sides. When the war finally ended local officials sought her help to restore communities and relationships that had fought each other as enemies. She organized a “Mother’s Friendship Day” that began the process of reconciliation. Romans 5:10 tells us that we were enemies of God, but while we sere still enemies God reconciled us to Himself through the death of Jesus. If we have accepted God’s gift of salvation we now have restored peaceful relations with God through Christ Jesus. The best part is that God has given us the joyful job to carry His message of peace and reconciliation to others (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). Romans 3:21-31
The house trim looked faded and was in need of some new paint. I ended up with a gallon of paint on a ladder about 20 feet in the air. All was fine until the ladder slipped and my hand that was holding the gallon of red paint instinctively swung to grasp hold of the ladder. But, while I managed to grab was the ladder the red paint kept moving and ended up all over the front corner of a white house. What a mess! Eventually the paint was wiped off but a stain was still there. I decided to get some cans of white spray paint. After several trips to the local hardware store for more paint cans the mess that seemed impossible to cover was hidden from sight. God does the same for us. He offers cleansing by faith through Jesus, His Son. If we accept His work on the cross on our behalf we are justified by God so that all He sees in the cleansing accomplished by Jesus. |
Pastor KenI have been places and done stuff... but really enjoy serving and building people that will have a passion for God, His Word and serving others. I have been known as Brother Ken. The abbreviated version of Bro.ken is a fair description of my life and need for Jesus my Savior, His Spirit to guide my life and God as my gracious Father. Archives
January 2025