Service with a smile. That phrase describes a business that is interested in making sure their customers are happy. They do the work to provide the customer with what they want and they do it with a pleasant attitude. Service is a great motto for company employees. If done well, it will draw in many more customers. The attitude along with the action makes all the difference. In Hebrews 12:1-2 the author uses the illustration of running a race to describe our life. There is a course of faith that we are called to run without distraction. That is done as we focus on the finish line and Jesus. He sacrificed and served all humanity through His death on the cross. His death brought us life, and He did it with joy. Christ served us, giving us what we needed most with joy. In Mark 10:45 Jesus states that he did not come to have others serve Him but to serve even to the point of giving his life to buy the release of many from the power of sin. His action of service was intentional, without wavering, and we are challenged to have the same humble attitude and serve (Philippians 2:5-8). Service is the action of doing, but also the proper attitude in doing. Yet we as people struggle with serving. We are very willing to rate a restaurant on the quality of their service, but don’t like it when we are asked to serve. We want others to serve us while we scream about our rights and need for respect. If anyone deserved to be served it was Jesus. Service for the disciple of Jesus takes on the hard task that brings the greatest benefit to others. We willingly humble ourselves in order for God’s message of salvation and the joy of knowing Him to flow through us. That is service with a smile. How is God calling you to serve and build His kingdom?