Why do car manufacturers place the steering wheel in front of the driver? Why not in the back seat or the trunk? Why not let the passengers in the back seat have all the controls for the lights, the radio, the heat and the turn signal? The purpose is so the driver can focus and on the most important thing, driving. All the controls are centered within reach of the drivers seat so the driver can control every aspect of the car as it is directed down the road. Our lives are much like that of a car. We have been made for the purpose of being directed and moving. All of our emotional switches and character knobs exist to fine tune our operation and function as we move. The problem is that we think that we, as the car, do not need a driver. We need Christ in our lives as Savior and need to give Him operational control. We need Christ inside, not as a passenger, but as the driver. We need to allow Him to have the driver’s seat to take us where He wants us to go. Disciple’s of Christ will allow Christ to have full control of their lives. In 1 Corinthians 6:9-12, Paul writes to the Corinthian church, who had allowed the world and culture to influence their spiritual lives and relationship with God. This church struggled with allowing Christ to control every area of their lives even to the point of justifying and making excuses for sin (12). Paul says that the spiritual excuses are not beneficial for their spiritual lives. He closes the verse by stating, “I will not be controlled by anything.” Paul is stating that, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, his only desire is for Christ to control his life and be the source of his confidence and perspective. We must be obsessed with knowing Christ and allowing Him alone to drive our lives.