This summer I watched the population of rabbits grow in our neighborhood. At first we only saw a few adult rabbits and then, little by little, there were a bunch of little bunnies that began to emerge from their nesting area. It was comical watching as the little ones come out of their nest and scurry about on their tiny legs. What we saw in our neighborhood is a natural process from conception to birth, to immaturity and finally maturity. This is the life process that you and I go through. We are born to grow and be productive members in our family and society. We grow as people through learning, nurturing and guidance of those who are older. The same is true on a on a spiritual level. The Bible describes this process as being a disciple which simply means learner. However, this is more than just learning head knowledge, this involves knowledge and practice of what is learned. In Luke 9:23 Jesus lays down the challenge to be committed to following Him by stating, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Today the symbol of the cross has been popularized in the form of a necklace of an artistic graphic design on a shirt. In reality the cross is a sign of commitment even to the point of death. Jesus and His audience understood that clearly. That kind of total commitment is the sign of a mature believer in Jesus who lives, as Jesus says, without regard for one self, but is instead dedicated to the advancement of His kingdom. As in the natural life process the mature are used to nurture and grow the young. Are you willing to grow in your knowledge of Christ and be used by God to grow His family just like the rabbits in my back yard?