The Christmas letter… Long or short, it has turned into an annual feat that tests our writing skills and organization. As we attempt to summarize a year in words, or even photos we find ourselves being forced to become even more concise. What is the main idea that we want to communicate? What happened this year? What matters most that others need to hear? How can we communicate those key, life defining highlights of the past year? Have no fear, Christmas cards are here. If you are like me you will notice that many of the Christmas cards carry a theme of peace, hope or joy. Notice that the card companies do not promote happiness. Why is that? Happiness is a short term pleasure, whereas joy is long term sense of satisfaction that all is well. As we turn to Isaiah 61, we find that message of joy. This chapter opens with God’s select servant declaring the message of good news that He will bring (1). This people centered savior will bring joy that is found in God’s favor (2) to those who are broken, and held captive in the darkness of sin (1). That is definitely good news of great joy that is worth celebrating. The people looked forward to the day when this savior would come and deliver them from sin and restore His joy to their life and their land. Fast forward and we see Jesus quote these same words in Luke 4:14-21 as he began His earthly ministry. In His own words He stated that He is the promised one spoken of in Isaiah 61. Jesus brought God’s good news of salvation to all people. For us, that good news should still bring a deep sense of satisfaction. That is joy worth writing about in the annual Christmas letter. The joy that we have in Jesus as our savior needs to be heard from us all year.