“Hey! Watch this!” That phrase is the beginning of what turns into a viral internet video. However, it normally does not end well. There is some sort of unspectacular splat into a puddle of sloppy mud. A miss on a throw, or an ungraceful flip that lacked execution leaving the performer in a pile and in pain. In many ways the people of Isaiah’s day had been playing a game of spiritual performance. They may have acted good trying to check the spiritual boxes, but in reality they were far from the mark of pleasing God. In fact Isaiah records the spiritual darkness of the people by describing their lack of trust in God. He says in chapter eight that they sought other sources of spiritual authority and spiritual direction (19-20). Their searching led them to seek other sources to satisfy their spiritual hunger (21). The result is that they have a limited spiritual perspective as all they see is filled with darkness, fear and gloom (22). Their spiritual acrobatics have been pitiful and not worthy of praise from God. They are left stumbling around in their problems and pain. They should have turned to God for help and direction in dealing with the sin in their lives and in their nation. So God hid His face from His people (17) and allowed them to continue in the path of their distrust leading to their despair and destruction. However, out of the darkness of sin that is pictured in Isaiah 8 a new reality of hope is described in chapter 9:1-2. In spite of the people rejecting God for other solutions He offers mercy and grace by offering His hope and salvation found in Jesus. God calls to the sinful world, “Hey! Watch this!” And Jesus was born to give God’s light and hope to all who are lost in the darkness of sin without Him.