A police officer was making his rounds in the city. As he approached one intersection he noticed a commotion in the traffic ahead. As he puled his patrol car closer he saw an irate woman screaming at the top of her lungs, throwing stuff at other cars, and honking her horn for no reason at all. After observing this for a bit the officer turned on his lights and pulled the woman over. The woman angrily questioned why she was being stopped. The officer replied that he noticed the bumper sticker on the back that said, “Follow Me To Church.” He continued, “I looked at the bumper sticker, and I looked at your actions, and I thought that the car must be stolen.” Saying one thing and doing another is the definition of hypocritical character and a life that is spiritually out of balance. Character matters because it is the moral resolve in life that leads to a life lived with integrity, resulting in a good reputation. We see this in the life of Job. Even though Job was very wealthy (3), he still lived out his faith in front of his community (1), and family (2). There are three things that we can learn from Job in these verses. First, our character will display our relationship to God (1). How we live will authenticate what we claim about our relationship to God. If we talk about God but do not live for Him, then God is not followed. Second, our character will impact our view of money and possessions (3). How we treat our possessions will authenticate our relationship with God. If money and possessions are more important, then God is less important. Third, our character will impact our spiritual relationship with others (4-5). How we treat others spiritually will authenticate our relationship with God. If we say nothing about Jesus and do not point others to Jesus, then is He our God?
For more see JOB