The musical honk of geese grabbed my ear and turned my attention to the ice covered lake. On this wind blown cold winter day the lake had just begun to freeze over. Yet there was a distant silver silhouette of steam that marked open water in the otherwise frozen lake. I strained to see if the geese were there. They were not. Then again and again I heard them until finally they appeared over the trees. There were hundreds of them, all in their signature “V” formation, heading to a warmer climate. Just because I did not see them did not mean they were not there. In the same way, just because I do not see God at work does not mean that He is not there and able to do the impossible. In Isaiah 7 we see that the king has just faced the opposition of two neighboring kingdoms (1). In the process of the failed attack, the prophet Isaiah appeared and challenged king Ahaz and his belief in God (1-9). Ahaz had the opportunity to calmly experience God’s peace in the problem (4), yet he did not have the faith to stand firm in the trial (7-9). In the following verses this plays out in his refusal to believe that God can work (12-13). Regardless, God promised an impossible sign that would challenge this stubborn king and encourage us today. The promise is the birth of a baby who would be called Emmanuel, meaning God with us (14). Like Ahaz, our belief in God for the impossible is required. The only way to find peace in a conflicted world is to trust in God and His salvation. Fear can control us, but God offers His assurance if we believe in Jesus as Savior. Remember that God’s perspective is completely different from what we can see. Just like geese, when He shows up to save us, it is a beautiful sight.