I have a very quiet old dog. She can be a real character at times. For example when she wants a treat she walks over to me, puts her nose on my hand and just stares at me. Her funny little quirks just make me laugh. However, character goes beyond the external actions to the motivations of the heart. Our character is much like the foundation of a house. It is silently below the surface supporting all that is seen above ground. Character can be described as the individual qualities of a person that are formed deep within the moral fabric of ones life. Our character can be good or bad and that can lead to a good or bad reputation based on our actions. As we open the letter of 1 Timothy, again we hear the wise words of the spiritual elder Paul, instructing Timothy on how to form a ministry based on character. First, Paul notes that dedicated servants of God build dedicated people for God (17-18). Timothy is reminded that the teaching elder is dedicated to serving God and building people for God. Second, the reputation of Godly character is highly treasured otherwise it’s hastily tarnished (19-20). Godly leaders in the church are essential examples of faith and practice for the church. Third, Godly character formed by being faithful to God is a continual practice not an irregular event (21-25). Timothy needed to select and develop faithful Godly leaders who would provide stability for the church. We can be characters or live a life of God honoring character. Are we dedicated to God’s way, building a reputation for living God’s way, and continuing in God’s way? There is an old saying that says, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. However, God can reshape our character no matter how old we are using His Word, His Spirit and His church if we let Him.
For More See 1 TIMOTHY