The garden this past summer produced a bumper crop of sunflowers. In fact one was over sixteen feet tall. However, large objects like that do not handle the force of wind very well. Examining the garden after a bit of strong wind revealed sunflower damage. Several plants were down. Upon further inspection we saw that two of the sunflowers had broken stalks and were wilting because they lost their connection to the roots and the life giving nutrients supplied to them. The plants with the broken stalks were beyond repair. They wilted, died and had to be removed. Just as the connection to the roots is essential for a sunflower to grow so also the disciple must remain connected to Christ to grow. In John 15 Jesus tells His disciples that he is the true life giving vine (1). Spiritual growth and fruitfulness are only found though our connection to Christ as our savior. That connection is formed as we trust in Christ’s sacrificial payment of our sin. However, Jesus does not end the conversation with saving faith. He challenges the disciples to a growing faith that is spiritually productive (4). The production of faith and true spiritual life is never found through individual effort. Jesus says that apart from Him there is no life and no fruit (5). The challenge that Jesus leaves His disciples, and us, is to allow His power to flow through us to produce His results and His praise (8). God desires that we have fruitful spiritual lives known for righteousness, giving, serving, and witnessing. That can only be accomplished through a relationship with Christ as we are connected to Him as savior. That connection is maintained through time in the word, prayer, fellowship and worship. Are we connected to Christ? Remember, just like a sunflower, it is not how tall you grow, but that you remain connected.