This past week I was saddened when I was made aware of the passing of two people. One was an elderly man and the other was a young woman. Both were described as adventurous and joyful, both had contracted cancer, but both had trusted Jesus as their savior. They lived life differently because of Christ and they lived to bring honor to God their savior as His image bearer. We are created by God and bear His image (Genesis 1:26-27). We resemble our creator in the aspect of being relational people in need of relationship with God and others (Genesis 1:28-29). The results of Adam and Eve’s sin (Genesis 3) have led to broken relationships with God and others, distorted worship of our self and others instead of God, and the destruction of murder by taking the life of others created in God’s image. Peter proclaims that Jesus came and was crucified thus becoming the source of salvation for all people (Acts 2:36). This message rang true and 3000 people respond (Acts 2:37-41). The church was started and redeemed people were now restored to worship their creator and redeemer. All those who are redeemed from sin by faith in Jesus Christ will one day be united together in their praise of their savior (Revelation 7:9-10). In Christ the divisions of geography, race and language are removed as people from every tribe, and nation worship their creator and redeemer as part of the family of God. We start our journey of faith here on earth but it continues forever in heaven through the worship of our creator, redeemer and restorer. The two that I mentioned earlier are doing just that.