Fall time is here and the garden is just about done producing. Over the course of the summer seeds have been planted and we watched them sprout. With the proper sunlight, fertilizer and water the plants have grown and produced a harvest that we could only dream about just a few months ago. Gardners and farmers: work the ground in preparation for harvest, weed the ground for a pure harvest, and patiently wait for the harvest. All crops take a certain amount of time, water, and sunlight to grow. We just need the patience to wait for them to grow. In this passage James first provides a simple spiritual challenge or exhortation. This challenge is then followed by two examples of how others displayed a patient faith. James then adds two specific ways to practice or exercise patience and thus display their faith in God. The general challenge or encouragement is to live a life of patience (7). This is followed by the example of patience in waiting as seen in the farmer (7-8), and the prophets plus Job and their patience in pain (10-11). James also provides the practical ways to exercise the practice of patience by not grumbling (9) and being reliable in the promises that are made (12). We may struggle at times with a lack of patience, but have we thought about how it reflects our faith in Christ? When we live patiently under trials we will patiently long for the day of Christ’s return. When we speak with patience it reflects our faith in God even in times of frustration. When we live a life of patient faith we are an active witness of God’s transforming power that enables us to endure. This week, may we be patient people who display the greatness of our God.
For more see JAMES