Have you lost something? We have all lost something at some point in time like keys, glasses, or that important paper. But what about the times when we realize that what we have is something we don’t really desire like an old shirt, a broken chair, or out of style shoes. Our focus shifts from the invaluable things of the present, to a desire for some other thing. All too often we assign too much value to power, positions, and possessions, that we miss what is truly valuable. That is the story of Zacchaeus. Luke 19 tells us that he had power, position, and wealth (2), yet above those things he was motivated to see Jesus (3), and nothing was going to stop him (4). He had everything that a man could possibly get in this world, and yet he was an outcast searching for answers to the deep longings of his heart. He desired to be known and accepted. Zacchaeus had come to the point where he knew his life was not right. Yet, regardless of his sin, Jesus sought him out. He knew exactly where Zaccheus was in the tree and noted the change that faith had brought to his life (9). Jesus came to seek and save the lost (10). His focused vision for coming into this world was to save sinners (1 Tim. 1:15). Today, God works in us and through us to seek out the lost around us. We must believe and accept the salvation offered only through Jesus. It is His sacrifice on the cross that makes us right with God. As disciples of Jesus, we are to adopt His vision for the lost. Zacchaeus desired a new way to live with new values and a new vision for life. That drove him to search for answers and seek out Jesus. May we believe in Jesus as Savior, adopt His way of living, and help others do the same. Has Jesus found you and radically changed you?