For More See DANIEL
Recently we have just walked through an election, and survived. Elections are time consuming, trying, and tiresome. The difficulty is that in an election process we have a way of looking at our life and seeing all the things that need to be fixed. In our mind they are things that only a political candidate can fix. We just need to choose the correct one, support the correct one and vote for the correct one. In the process we elevate an individual and place our hope in a candidate as the answer to our problems. So what is the solution? First, we need to remember that all people are broken and do not measure up to God’s standard (Romans 3:23). Second, we need to realign our hope. It is easy to trust in the things of power in this life. However, the psalmist David writes that some may trust in military powers, “but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7). Third, we need a consistent message of real hope. If we are a believer in Jesus Christ as our savior, He is to be the source of our hope, and He is to be the source of hope that we declare to others. The winds of cultural change and the ebb and flow of political tides will cause insecurity, questions and even hopelessness. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:24-27 that when we build our life on Him and His word we will have a secure foundation. There are many people who have incorrectly placed their hope in politics, ideologies, and the things of this life. Our message must not be one of political hope, but of hope in Jesus. Will we be the ones who faithfully carry the message of hope in Christ to those who have built their hope on the wrong foundation?
For More See DANIEL
1 Timothy 1:12-17
My Grandma was one who made sure that we stayed warm by making various winter garments. I recall one Christmas my brothers and I opened our gifts to find our own matching pair of mittens plus a hat. These were not just any normal hat and gloves, these were double thick. Grandma made them with two layers of yarn that doubled the thickness and the warmth. In fact, that hat was so warm I remember sweating while wearing it in the middle of winter. Different people commented on the hat and asked where I got it. That was my cue to tell them that it was my Christmas gift from Grandma. In much the same way Paul is saying the same thing to Timothy. In 1 Timothy 1:12-14, Paul proclaims the gospel message because God has given him the gift of salvation and enabled him to serve (12), even though his past sin was great (13). He then turns and challenges Timothy to proclaim the gospel message of salvation (15-17). This is opposite of the false teachers, who had a message that was without substance and value because they did not hold to the truth of the gospel message (1:6). Paul’s exhortation to the young pastor, Timothy, is to keep Christ and His work on the cross central in his beliefs, teaching and practice. The same is true for us today. When we understand the greatness of our sin, and the greatness of God’s work, we will naturally proclaim the greatness of God and worship Him (17). In ministry, our past is to be an opportunity to display God’s grace in the present. Our guilt and shame of past sin do not limit God’s power in transforming the worst of sinners into His greatest servants. True ministers will view sin in light of grace and be an example pointing others to Christ and the gift of salvation He has given. For More See 1 TIMOTHY 1 Timothy 1:1-11
In the winter of 1924 - 1925, the growing diphtheria epidemic descended on the city of Nome, Alaska. Isolation and quarantines became the standard operating procedure as officials desperately tried to figure out how to combat the growing problem that infected one and then another and another. Finally, by the end of January plans were finalized and a life saving serum was carefully placed in a dogsled to be carried to Nome. Over the course of five and a half days, a series of dog sled teams were entrusted with transporting the life saving diphtheria antitoxin to the isolated community. Racing through terrible cold and treacherous conditions 20 mushers and about 150 dogs relayed the special package of serum safely to Nome on February 2, 1925. The delivery saved lives. In 1 Timothy, Paul writes his young ministry partner, Timothy, who is now in the city of Ephesus (3). His instruction to Timothy was to deal with the false teachers that were infecting the church (4-5). The apostle Paul was one who had been commissioned to carry the life saving message of the gospel to those who did not know Jesus (1). His concern was that the message of salvation through Jesus alone be clearly communicated to transform lives (9-10) and build the church (5). He had been entrusted with this life giving message and he did not want to see it distorted in any way (11). Paul challenged the young pastor, Timothy, to be faithful and discerning in his ministry. Even today, false teachers and their ideas will seek to distort the gospel message. Like Paul, those who have trusted Christ for salvation, are entrusted with the truth that Jesus alone saves. Do we truly understand that we have a life saving message that others are dying to receive? Are we delivering it faithfully and accurately? May God guide us as we depend on Him and carry His life saving message of Jesus to others. For More See 1 TIMOTHY Philippians 1:12-30
In 2020 Bruno the bear made the news. His popularity was growing, yet not everyone knew about him. However, there was a small, but rapidly growing group that wanted to tell as many people as possible about Bruno. So who was Bruno? Well, he was a male black bear that was first spotted in Wisconsin. He travelled through Illinois and into Missouri. As Bruno travelled his fan base grew. There were over 27,000 people who wanted to tell others about a traveling bear named Bruno. Are we that intense about our faith? In Philippians 1:12-30 Paul notes that we are to live for God’s glory, regardless of our life circumstances. He knew that well, because he was writing this letter from prison. What got him there? Paul was arrested and placed in chains because of his beliefs and proclamation of Jesus Christ (13). Paul knew from firsthand experience that the spread of the message of good news about Jesus is not limited by our life conditions or circumstances. Perhaps we need to reevaluate our lives. Paul understood that participation in the good news about Jesus is more than just an assent of belief. Participation in the message of the gospel is actively living life for God’s glory and communicating the transforming message of Jesus Christ, regardless of our life circumstances. So what motivates us spiritually? The distractions and pain in life can often move us away from the most important message: the message of Christ as Savior. We need to realize that God will redeem even the difficult circumstances of our life by giving us opportunities to tell others of Him, just like Paul and Bruno. For more see PHILIPPIANS or INVITATION SERIES John 1:1-18
I remember going off to college and my Mom telling me to write each week. Well… That never happened because it took too much time. I had to get paper, compose my thoughts, and then walk to the post office to mail it. A phone call was so much easier. However, it was funny how much there was to talk about when I went home for Christmas. Communication in person is always more personal, relatable and believable. Throughout the Old Testament God used various prophets to communicate with His people. The prophet is a messenger who delivers a message, a corrector who points out what is wrong, and a teacher who tells the right way to live. As savior, Jesus, fulfills the role of divine prophet. In the Gospel of John we see that God planned to send Jesus as the perfect way to communicate to people who God is, the need for Him and God’s solution of salvation. This Christmas message communicated through Jesus calls us to listen to God’s Word, believe God’s truth and accept God’s grace. Jesus was the messenger who communicated God’s message to man-kind. This Christmas I hope that you hear God’s message of love, truth and grace communicated through Jesus. for more see JOHN or PROPHET, PRIEST & KING Acts 1:1-8
The courtroom is packed. Witnesses are called to tell the truth of what is known; while everyone else is there to hear the outcome of the trial. Most of the time when we think of a witness we think in terms of a courtroom setting. However, in the book of Acts, there is a description of witnesses that are to go anywhere and everywhere. Luke, the author of Acts, provides a record of the early church and its growth. Luke simply records how the gospel is communicated in the present culture and cross-culturally in such a way that the message of Jesus Christ is spread around the world. In the first chapter of Acts, Jesus gathers His followers and gives them a promise. He tells them that they will be empowered to be His witnesses (8). The source of power is the Holy Spirit and the purpose of the power is to be witnesses of Jesus. The future task of His disciples is to tell others what they know about Him. The disciples of Jesus are to start witnessing where they are and go to the ends of the earth proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Savior. From the beginning of this book, Luke reports that God’s Spirit works through God’s people to spread God’s message. The same is true for us today. The spreading of the gospel message begins where you are. Some will be called to take the message of Jesus to other cultures in the remotest parts of the earth while others will be witnesses to friends, neighbors, and coworkers at home. The point is that all who claim Jesus as their Savior are to be witnesses of who He is. In a court of law, if witnesses were called, would there be enough evidence to convict you of being a committed witnessing follower of Jesus? For more see ACTS John 4:1-42
During the cool days of spring I get out and turn over the soil in the garden, add fertilizer, and imagine the crops that will be grown. There are the standard sweet carrots, luscious green lettuce, deep red tomatoes, as well as beans, onions, peppers, herbs, and squash. All of these will add special flavors to the dinner table in the months to come. However, between turning the soil over in the spring, and harvesting in the fall, there is quite a bit of work. Seeds need to be planted, then transplanted and protected. For the plants to flourish and produce a crop weeds must be pulled plus fertilizer and water added at the right time. The beginning of a garden always starts with the end in mind, the harvest. The gardener will always work to see the crops produce. In John 4 Jesus spends time in anticipation of a spiritual harvest and then calls on his disciples to respond. John records that it begins at a well (6) while the disciples went into the city for food. As Jesus waited, a woman came to get water (7). In the process of talking, Jesus turned the conversation from the daily physical need of water to the woman’s deep spiritual need of salvation (13-14). In doing so Jesus was willing to cross cultural barriers in order to communicate the message of salvation. He helped her to see her needs and challenged her spiritually, which she found uncomfortable (17-20). As the disciples returned (27), the woman then left her water jar, to go back to the city and tell others of Jesus (28-29). Jesus challenged the disciples to see the people as a spiritual harvest (34). The end result is that the community was changed (41-42). The same can happen today as we serve our Savior in the spiritual harvest in our communities. For more see JOHN Luke 2:8-20
In the good old days I spent time listening to my grandfather tell stories about what life was like when he was young. There were stories of farming, fishing and fixing old cars. My favorite is the one about clearing snow. Grandpa lived in a small town that did not have a snow plow. Every time it snowed all the young men in town would gather at the end of the main street. The person in the center would take a shovel of snow and throw it one way. Then others would follow on each side and throw a shovel full of snow toward the edge. As a whole group they gradually formed a “V” and cleaned the road from the center out. Then the next morning all the old cars could travel without getting stuck. For us the good old days are filled with stories for younger generations and memories of better days gone by. However, therein lies a problem. The past is often deceptive because we only remember certain things and grumble about the happenings today. In Luke 2:8-12 the angel presents the message to the shepherds that is good news of great joy… your Savior has been born. This is a message of hope and joy that God has come. Yet often, even today, we look with gloom at the events in our community and the problems in our world while we tell others that they need to change. The message to the shepherds is that Christ has come to save. This is a message of joy that the problems of this life will find their only solution in Jesus. This is a message of hope that we can live a new life of victory through the salvation offered only through Jesus. May our message this Christmas not be about what is wrong, but about the hope and joy that we have in Jesus. For more see CHRISTMAS Ephesians 3:1-13
The first of April is known as April Fools’ Day. This is simply a day where certain ones of our friends or associates will create something that seems real yet is not real in order to play a prank on our gullible minds. Our minds have come to understand and accept what is normal and when there is a new change we want to accept it as well. In 1957, the BBC news reported that there was an excellent harvest of spaghetti in Switzerland. There were even pictures of workers harvesting spaghetti from tree branches. Some people even called the news station to inquire how to start their own spaghetti tree. They were told to place spaghetti noodles in tomato sauce and see what happens. We may laugh at the misfortune of some, but we still have people in our world that reject the greatest reality as nothing more than a hoax. In Ephesians 3:1-13 Paul reminds the church of the reality of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection that unites people through salvation in Jesus Christ. That is good news! This display of God’s grace was, as Paul says, a mystery now revealed (2-6) that he is now privileged to share with others (7-9). His message (10-12) is simply to proclaim that Jesus is alive and has accomplished salvation through His death and resurrection. That is good news and not a joke. For more see EPHESIANS |
Pastor KenI have been places and done stuff... but really enjoy serving and building people that will have a passion for God, His Word and serving others. I have been known as Brother Ken. The abbreviated version of Bro.ken is a fair description of my life and need for Jesus my Savior, His Spirit to guide my life and God as my gracious Father. Archives
January 2025