Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. With that, our thoughts are drawn to what we love, who we love, and how we might show that love. Love is the root of a passionate expression. We can say that we love ice cream, sports, coffee or someone, but there is always an expression of that love. In its simplest form passion is doing what we love and loving what we do. Being a person of passion is expressing the strong excited response that is based on the deeper sense of love. If there is not a connection that attracts then there will not be the action based on the attraction. The Bible lays out God’s passionate connection for all humanity in John 3:16. God loved the world so much that He gave Jesus, His only Son, to be our savior from sin. Love is the motivation for the extreme action of God’s passion. The passion displayed in the action proves the reality of the love. In Matthew 22 Jesus was asked to identify the greatest command in the law (36). In response He says, love God and people (37-39). Jesus came and displayed God’s love to us so we can display His love to others. The good news of God’s love drove His passionate display of love. Our display of love for others is to be based on our understanding and acceptance of God’s love passionately displayed for all the world to see. That is life changing love, the kind of love that God wants His committed followers to display to others. On our own we do not have the capability to accurately display God’s love. Yet, as disciples of Jesus, we are graciously given the ability to love because we have experienced God’s love (1 John 4:19). Are we actively displaying our love for God and others as God has loved us?