Have you noticed how much the automobile industry has changed lately? Just stop and compare the very first car that you can remember with the one that you use today. When I grew up there was no air conditioning, no power steering, no power windows, and the heater only worked for the front seat. Now we have all kinds of creature comforts and amenities to enjoy while driving. In spite of all the cameras and gizmos, we still have to drive the car. The driver, even though they do not understand all the technology, is the one that uses all the benefits of technology and engineering to direct the car down the road. To carry this analogy even further, God is sovereign, and in His sovereignty He controls the vehicle of our life and every life in the world. He does this out of His grace. In the book of Job we see God use His sovereignty to display His grace and power. God rules over the angels (6) establishing His purpose and will. In these verses we also see that God rules over Satan (6-11). Even today, we see and feel the influence of Satan, and forget the sovereign power of God over Satan. This passage reminds us, that God is sovereign in all of life, including even today. Like Job, we may not see or understand God’s power and work. However, God in His sovereignty is at work to bring about his purposes in and through our life, just as He was in Job’s life. You may feel like you are stuck with a broken down vehicle on the side of life’s highway. Remember that God is in control. In His sovereignty He knows what is going on. He will work to bring His blessing, if not now, then in the next life. Our job is to trust Him, rest in His grace, and follow Him faithfully like Job.
For more see JOB