Did you know that about 50 percent of people fail their first driving test? A driving test is given to examine what we know and how we can apply it to various situations. It is easy to spout off answers that we assume to be correct, but do they do not work in driving situations. Gaining the head knowledge is important, but equally important is the application of those truths to life. You may be one of those people that failed the drivers test the first time and dreaded going back to retake it. Many people do not do well on tests for various reasons. Imagine if you were Job and God told you to answer His questions. That is the exact situation that is played out in Job 38:4. God begins the exam by asking Job what he knows about creation in chapters 38-39. There is a pause in the test as God gives Job a chance to respond. Job wisely has no answer (40:1-5). God then continues with a second exam that asks Job about God’s power as displayed in the animal kingdom in chapters 40-41. Job could not explain God’s working in his personal life because he did not understand God’s knowledge or power. Creation is a clear display of God’s sovereignty and knowledge. Through the tests God desired that Job see His knowledge and trust His moral purposes worked out in life. Like Job, we need to trust God and allow Him to work out His plan and purpose in our life. Suffering is not necessarily about what is wrong with our life and what God must do for us. Suffering instead teaches us to trust God and His character and not to demand His blessing. The lesson from Job is simple, we can trust God’s knowledge and power because it is based on His trustworthy character.