Quite a while ago I had to get my vehicle worked on and the mechanic noticed the parking permit on my windshield and asked, “Are you a preacher?” I responded affirming his observation. At that point he became a bit embarrassed about his poor choice of words at times. I assured him that I was not offended. A short while later I went to pay the bill by providing a debit card. Unknown to us there was a problem with the machine that day. As he scanned my card the machine responded with the message “Redemption.” He looked at me in shock and said, “You must really be a preacher even the machine says so.” The first card did not work so I produced a second, and the same message of “Redemption” appeared. He looked at me with a smile and said, “Well I can’t believe it, I have had redemption twice in one day.” He was amazed that I forgave him and I praised God for the past conversations and His present work in the life of this man. That is worship. However, often we think that worship only happens at church. Worship is much more than what happens one day a week for one hour at church. Worship involves all of life (see Romans 12:1-2). In Exodus 12 God institutes a special feast so the people would continue to remember His powerful action of deliverance from Egypt (1-11). It was to be a joy filled celebration remembering God’s power and faithfulness (14-28). Like the nation of Israel we are called to worship by remembering God’s action of redemption through Christ. In doing so we reaffirm our belief and help others renew their faith in the God of redemption. Let us worship in faith and live to proclaim God’s redemption.