You hear the screaming child before you see them. You know, the one in the store in the next isle over that throws a temper tantrum because a wise parent just told them, “No.” There was the certain type of food or specific treat that was just refused and the result is a vocal show complete with flailing arms. The child has gone completely out of control screaming for what they desperately think they need. We groan when we see that play out, but do we not do the same thing with God at times? We think we know what is best and exactly what we need, so we proceed to tell God what He must do for us. Our request turns to a loud demand and then to a scream and God refuses to answer. James 4:3 states that we do not receive from God because we ask with wrong motives. Instead, our prayer should be like the woman in Luke 18:1-8 who persistently asked the judge to do what is right. Her persistence is faith in action. But, what keeps us from prayer and seeking God’s righteousness in our life and our world? The main issue is a lack of faith that displays itself through our response to pain, problems, and pride. When we are in pain we incorrectly think that God is distant and does not hear. When we face problems we attempt our solutions rather than His, because in pride we say that we do not need God. At times we simply do not pray because we do not believe that God hears or is powerful enough to work. Prayer is our communication of faith to our loving heavenly Father who is able to work. God sees, knows, has the solution, and is able to work. Will we let Him? Will we pray?