How do you feel today? Broken? Hurt? Hopeless? When we are broken physically we go to the Doctor and get some medicine for an illness, a cast for a broken bone or surgery for something more serious. The Doctor can help if we are broken physically. But where do we go if we are broken emotionally? We may have experienced deep loss of a family member, a broken relationship or the searing damage of untrue words. When we walk through these times we can talk to a friend or perhaps a counselor. However, all too often we may choose to talk to no one because we believe no one cares. Being broken physically or emotionally leads to the third area of being broken spiritually. Perhaps there is the lingering sin that needs God’s grace or the truckloads of emotional scars with no hope of a cure. This is where all hope is gone and there is no possibility for future joy. At this point we believe that no one can heal the hurt, not even God. When life seems at its darkest the possibility for life and new hope shines brightest. God extends His mercy, grace, comfort and healing to those who turn to Him for a cure to their brokenness. The author of Psalm 42 knew the hurt of hopelessness. He says, “put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God (5).” The author knew the pain of physical, emotional and even spiritual loss and yet he found hope in God. No matter how bad you hurt or what you feel today you can still trust God.