It all began a week ago. There was a thump on the window and then thrashing and scratching. This continued for days until I finally caught a glimpse of a Robin staring at the window and then attacking the window in defense of its territory. The problem is that the Robin was fighting the reflection of its own image. Research has informed me that eventually the love sick Robin will stop, and tend to caring for his nest. In his angry little bird brain the Robin only sees a rival and a threat, not reality. We approach Easter and the resurrection in much the same way. On Easter we come face to face with the intersection of divinity and humanity. Jesus as a man died, but as God He was raised from the dead and returned to life. That is the dilemma the people in Luke 24 faced. At the resurrection of Jesus there were questions of belief (1-12). However, His followers publicly proclaimed that the resurrection is a reality. That was followed by the searching questions from two of His followers. However, Jesus met them, and pointed them to the Scriptures and the necessity of His death to pay for sin (13-27). Salvation is possible through belief in Jesus Christ alone. Ephesians 2:8-9 makes it clear that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and not by anything we can do on our own. Jesus paid our debt of sin and because He lives we can have new life through Him. Our faith and hope are based on Christ and His love for us. On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. As in Luke 24, Jesus wants to change us from doubters to ones who tell others of Him (33-36). What will you do with Jesus? Have your eyes been opened to the reality that that Jesus is alive (28-32)?
for more see LUKE or EASTER