There is an old saying, “A watched pot never boils.” It is attributed to Benjamin Franklin who recorded it in his writings between 1732 and 1758. He used this word picture to describe the feeling of being anxious while waiting for the slow process of change to be completed. The idea is pictured in filling a pot with water, placing it on the stove, then impatiently watching and waiting for the water temperature to change and boil. Paul prays for his audience that they would be filled with the knowledge of God’s will. This is a prayer for the knowledge of God’s will to fill them so they would understand and make the right decisions by living out God’s daily direction for their lives. Paul is thankful for the changes that God bringing (11-12) while praying for their spiritual growth (10) and spiritual strength (11) in the process. Perhaps you are looking at your life and right now and are frustrated with the way things are going. Paul’s solution is applicable to us. He joyful gives thanks to God for bringing change and making it possible for us to be part of His family. We can easily become frustrated with the process of spiritual change in our lives. Pause and thank God that He is working at this very moment, it is just may be taking a bit to bring the water to a boil.