Today, a common statement is, “My truth is my truth and your truth is your truth.” The problem is that does not provide for a consistent standard or measurement of truth. It also does not line up with what we see in nature. For example, we know when water freezes. Water does not freeze at one temperature for you and 20 degrees different for me. Gravity does not hold one person down and push another up. What we know to be true impacts our beliefs and lifestyle. We wear shoes because gravity hurts our feet and we take a canoe to the lake in the summer not ice skates. However, beyond the daily activities of life what we know to be true will impact our faith. How do we know what to base our faith on? Hebrews 11:1-2 tells us that faith believes even if the outcome is not seen. The problem is that we as people have developed a personal view that we know it all and any changes or challenges to that view are rejected as not true or real. That was the problem that Jesus faced from the people in His home town. Luke 4:16 records that it started as Jesus entered the temple and read a passage from Isaiah 61. As he finished he stated that the words He read had been fulfilled that day (21). This passage in Isaiah was understood to look forward to God’s promised coming savior. Yet as Jesus continued to teach, the audience could not accept the truth that He was presenting. In short they became so angry that they tried to kill him (29). Jesus was challenging his home town audience to see Him for who he really is as savior and God. I leave you with this challenge. Do not dismiss Jesus but instead examine His claims. He came as God to be your savior. Faith in Him alone will change your measurement of truth and your life.