Do you know what an anagram is? An anagram is when you take a word or phrase and rearrange the letters to make a different word or phrase by using all of the letters only once. For example, some simple ones would be heart that turns into earth, part becomes trap, or secure that becomes rescue. Try it with any word and see what you can come up with. In fact why don’t we try one together! Let’s take the word trial. An anagram of trial could be trail. As we begin a new study in the book of James, we see that the author wants his audience to develop a faith that is lived out in everyday life and displayed through their actions, and attitudes that motivate their actions. James begins the first chapter by noting that faith in Jesus Christ brings stability to life in the midst of trials. A trial is simply God allowing difficulty and or pain to deepen and encourage our confidence in Him. James notes that trials have the purpose of growing an enduring faith in God (2-4). The practice of faith in trials causes us to seek God’s wisdom (5-8) which requires personal humility (9-11). James says that God will reward this life of faith (12). To summarize, James is not interested in his audience simply stating that they have faith. His desire is that they have a faith that impacts their behavior. Perhaps put another way, James wants his audience to view trials as a way to walk the trail of faith that God has for each believer. As we walk by faith down the trail of trial we humbly depend on God for the wisdom and strength to endure. This week may your faith impact your perspective of your trial so you can see that this is God’s way to grow you as you walk His trail.
For more see JAMES