Years ago I went into a restaurant and ordered a breakfast pastry. The problem was that it was not heated all the way through. It was cold and really not very tasty. My meal was disappointing at best. I find it funny that years later I remember that instance and yet forget the great meals with family or eating at other restaurants. As we examine the second verse of Psalm 23 we see David continue his reference to being a shepherd. As a shepherd he knew what his sheep needed and took them to the places that would provide the food and rest that they needed. The shepherd would also lead his sheep to quiet waters to drink. Most likely this would be a well and the shepherd would draw water and provide water until each animal was completely satisfied. In the same way, David sees that God does this for him. God directs him and places him where he can be refreshed and rested all because the hand of God faithfully met his needs. The same can be true for us today. God is still actively leading us. Are we following the LORD who is our shepherd and are we finding His supply sufficient? When we follow the LORD we do not have to go far to find all that we need, because the best that can be had is always from the hand of our shepherd. We will never be disappointed with unappealing provisions.
For more see Psalm 23