Let’s play a game. How about checkers or chess? These board games have multiple pieces and if you follow the rules, each of the player pieces is limited in what direction they can move. However, there is one player piece in checkers and chess that can move in multiple directions. That player is the king. The ability to move in any direction makes the king valuable for the game but also strategically powerful. The game of chess or checkers is won when the king wins. In the game of life there is one king, and that king is God. Kings are powerful and control all that goes on in their kingdom. Earthly kings have a limited kingdom with borders, but God rules over all creation. Kings want their people to listen to them and God as the king of creation desires that we as people listen to Him. The problem for us as people is that sometimes we don’t like to listen to others much less God. It takes a person who is humble to put their desires aside to listen to the king for His plan for His kingdom. The problem is that we often want God as the king to make the kingdom acceptable to us. God’s desire is that we listen to Him and humbly submit to His leadership in our lives. Our humble submission to God allows others to see that God is in sovereign control of our life and His kingdom.
For more see 2 Chronicles 7:14 Series