Physical therapy is not something that is pleasant, but often it is necessary. Physical therapy is the process of getting your body to move the way it is was designed. The problem is that, because of injury or illness, our body has stopped moving in certain ways. In order to overcome this, we must stretch and restrengthen certain muscles to regain motion, mobility, and balance. However, physical therapy can be painful and tiring. It is much like someone twisting your arm behind your back to get you to change your mind or action. Physical therapy has a way of convincing your mind and your body that you can do this. When we think of persuasion, it is not just on a physical level. There is also a mental persuasion that takes place on a spiritual level. All of us become persuaded by certain beliefs and we live our lives convinced of these truths. In Acts 17 Paul presents new information that confronts the beliefs of the people in Thessalonica. Some were persuaded (4) to believe and follow Jesus, while others were not. So, what did Paul do? He simply reasoned with them from the scriptures (2-3). How did God use Paul to convince this audience of the truth of Jesus and to place their faith in Jesus? He dealt with their questions by explaining who Jesus was. He dealt with their doubts by giving evidence of the resurrection. All of his teaching dealt with the Savior. To be a committed disciple of Jesus, we must be persuaded of who He is, so we can present Him to others. A disciple believes Jesus, follows His leading like Paul (Acts 16:6-10), and tells others that He is the Savior. Knowing about Jesus is one thing. Being persuaded to live out our faith is something completely different. Are we disciples who live like we are persuaded?