I watched the dove as I talked and also kept a look out for the hawk. At one point after about 15 minutes I crept closer to the bushes and gently separated them so I could see if the dove had died from some injuries sustained in the crash. Much to my surprise the bird was very much alive and instantly took flight with a furry of pounding wings.
The problem was that the hawk was still watching. Instantly the predator took up the chase again. Again the dove escaped by flying into some thick brush for protection.
As I reflected on this I saw a spiritual parallel. Often in life we may feel like we are chased and pursued by Satan and his temptations. We may get distracted from the path that God has for us and crash with the sin. We can find the rest, protection and renewal close to God just as the dove found in my presence. Renewed, restored and rested we are able to take flight and live the way God designed us to live for His glory and honor.
Regardless of your current condition remember the importance of being close to God and remember that the hawk did not win.