The other day I went looking for a plain old sponge in the store. I did not want the ones with a scrub pad on one side I just wanted an ordinary sponge. The job I had in mind was for the sponge to soak up water and hold that water. I needed that sponge to be able to transfer the water to a bucket. But, have you ever had a sponge sit unused for such a long time that it turns hard? Time without water and the sponge becomes brittle. In order to rejuvenate the sponge it needs to be immersed in water to bring it back to its full functional form. In the same way Paul challenges his readers to let God’s Word into their lives so it stays in their lives. In doing so the Word will permeate every part of their life. Just like water in a sponge we need to allow God’s Word to alter every part of our life including our expressions of joy, our functions of faith all the way down to the foundation of our fears. The life truly lived for Christ will display the life changing power of His word. The more we let God’s Word in the more it will come dripping out like a useful saturated sponge.