Have you heard the word “Hangry?” No, that is not a typo. Hangry is a made up word that is a combination of hungry and angry. Basically the word describes how we can become irritable and often angry when we are hungry. Because our stomach is not satisfied it affects us physically and emotionally and we can become easily angered. The problem is when we feel the hunger pangs coming we have a tendency to eat something, or anything, to ease the hunger. We seek the fast, and often unhealthy solution to being hangry, rather than food that is healthy and nutritious. The same is true spiritually. We have a tendency to not be satisfied with God’s solution and wander away seeking our own satisfaction. The nation of Israel had the same problem. They wanted their solution immediately, and thus wandered from God, and what He provided, which was best. Jeremiah 2:13 states that the people have forsaken God and sought their own solutions. In this verse, Jeremiah describes sources of water. The water that God provides is an unlimited pure spring that gives what is best. The people have become dissatisfied with the best, as Jeremiah illustrates, and have sought to store water their own way. The problem is that the supply is limited, the water is not pure, and the self made cistern is failing. What a picture of dissatisfaction with God and pride that leads to a failed self made solution. Even today, God desires that we follow Him and not seek our solutions for life. We find that we are satisfied with God as we seek His wisdom, follow His ways, and listen to His word. That will keep us from wandering from His presence, and encourage our declaration that He alone is worthy of our worship and devotion. With God satisfaction is guaranteed. We can always trust Him to satisfy us with His goodness.