Spring is just around the corner… well not really. However, now is the time to begin making plans for the garden. We may think of new or better locations to place certain plants based on how much shade or sunlight they need. We may gather the tools and plan a new garden design. But, all of this is useless unless we have seeds to plant in the warm spring soil. Seeds will naturally want to grow with the proper sunlight, soil, and water. Under these conditions the plant will sprout into a seedling, continue to grow as an immature plant, and finally develop as a mature plant that produces a crop. At maturity the plant is able to produce seeds that can be used to reproduce a crop for the following year. There is a life cycle in nature and people that starts with birth and leads to maturity. God has designed all that He has created to grow into maturity. However, do we think the same way about our spiritual life? Often when we think about our spiritual life we only think about the start. We think of the good news of Jesus coming at Christmas to bring us salvation. When we believe in Christ as Savior we gain His gift of salvation. That is only the beginning. That new life and the transformation is to be on going and maturing just as we see in nature. Our spiritual life does not stop at salvation, it is to continue, grow, develop, and mature in us. God has intentionally created all that is around us, including us, for growth and maturity. Stagnation and remaining in one spiritual life stage is not normal. It is unhealthy. God’s purpose in sending Jesus to be our Savior is to save us and mature us so we can spiritually reproduce and be used by God to plant new spiritual seed in the soil of others lives.