Have you ever replanted trees? A number of years ago I dug up several trees from the woods and planted them along the road in front of the house for shade and privacy. Even though the trees were no taller than myself, the dirt on the roots made them almost too heavy to lift. With a bit of fertilizer and a lot of water the trees took root in their new location and started to thrive. There was noticeable growth each year, and now it is hard to imagine that I moved those trees. They are twenty to thirty feet tall and they look fantastic. Everywhere we look in life there is change because of growth. When there is no growth that shows that there is a problem. If you examine a tree that does not grow you will discover an infestation of disease, rot or predators. The same is true in our spiritual lives. If we are not growing we are plateaued or worse stagnate and in decline. Paul challenges Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:1-2 to take what he has learned and pass it on to others. Basically, he is saying, duplicate yourself in the lives of others and help others grow. This is the result of a personal and powerful relationship that Paul had with Timothy as a mentor. Timothy gleaned much from Paul. Now as a result of the changes and growth in his own life he was responsible to intentionally go and reproduce what he has learned and seen in the lives of others who would be able to do the same. This is not something that Timothy does in his own strength. It is a natural process of being connected to Jesus, growing spiritually and producing fruit (John 15:5). We can have a very bad habit of believing that our faith is only our own. However, just like a tree we are planted to grow and reproduce. If we do not grow into maturity and reproduce we have become stagnant and stunted or dead spiritually. Christ’s purpose in saving us is to grow us, mature us, and use us to grow others.