What do you know about Mother’s Day? Normally it as a time to honor our mother. However, that is not the beginning of the annual holiday as it is celebrated in the United States. In the mid to late 1800’s Ann Marie Jarvis was active in promoting education and sanitation in order to reduce disease and the death of babies. As the American Civil War started she was living in West Virginia and promoted neutrality by pushing the groups she worked with to serve the soldiers from both sides. When the war finally ended local officials sought her help to restore communities and relationships that had fought each other as enemies. She organized a “Mother’s Friendship Day” that began the process of reconciliation. Romans 5:10 tells us that we were enemies of God, but while we sere still enemies God reconciled us to Himself through the death of Jesus. If we have accepted God’s gift of salvation we now have restored peaceful relations with God through Christ Jesus. The best part is that God has given us the joyful job to carry His message of peace and reconciliation to others (2 Corinthians 5:18-19).