In times like these we may often look to the past and ask, “Why?” That is partly a fair question because we are seeking to find answers from God to questions about the hurt and loss that we feel. That is good because God is big enough to handle our questions, but He may or may not fully answer them. The other part of a question involving “Why” is unfair because often we place ourselves into the situation.When we look back on the situation we unfairly believe that we could have done more. Please be careful in taking this position. When we take this position we add guilt upon ourselves and burden ourselves with believing that we can control all of life. God is in control of all things, and it is important to let Him be God. That does not mean that God is the author of evil. When we are faced with the pain of bad situations this just means that God has allowed the condition of our fallen world and sin to draw us closer to Him as the only one who can fix this mess.
In times of pain and grief perhaps a better question to ask is “How?” With this question we can look at where we are and perhaps how we arrived at this position, but also how we move forward. This is a place where we can admit freely to God our inadequacies and our need for Him to manage the situations in life and give us His perspective. God is the one who has solutions not just answers. My hope and prayer is that this point in your life is one where you draw closer to Him and find in Him the peace for your situation and salvation for your soul. God has given ultimate peace and purpose for your life through knowing and believing that Jesus has accomplished salvation for you. My prayer is that you will find in Him alone the solutions for any burdens and grief hat you may be carrying right now.
So how are you really doing? I hope that you are finding healing, rest and you are able to start moving on from the grief but not the positive memories that you carry. I also pray that your sorrow will not result in you pushing God away but instead draw you closer to Him and His grace. I pray that you will come to know God as the healer of your broken heart and restorer of your soul.