I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine. His name is Horatio. He was a businessman in the Chicago area in the late 1800’s. However, there are three great tragedies that entered his life. The death of his young son, the Chicago fire of 1871 which destroyed his business and financial investments, and finally the death of his four young daughters. Several years after the fire he decided to go to Europe with his family but at the last minute he changed his mind and sent the family on ahead by boat while he dealt with some business affairs. During the ocean crossing there was a collision with another ship and for Horatio only his wife survived. In full disclosure, I have not actually met him but I appreciate the depth of his life that he has communicated. You see several weeks later as he traveled on the same ocean route and neared the spot where his four daughters died he wrote the words to a song that you should know. His name is Horatio Spafford and the title of the song is “It is Well With My Soul.” I would encourage you to find the song and review the words in light of Horatio’s story. He was a man of faith who had lost much in this life yet he confidently stated that all was well with his soul. He could agree with Moses and the people in Exodus 15:2 that the LORD is my strength and song and the LORD has become my salvation. Try finding a verse of scripture or good song like this one and let it continually roll through your mind today. Allow God to use the words to draw your thoughts to Him as the source of our salvation, hope and joy.