To be called childish is a negative remark that describes immaturity. To be called “My Child” is a completely different term that speaks of endearment, care and affection. There is a relationship that is described as personal, being my child. There is also a relationship that is described as belonging, that the child knows they belong to the one calling them. In addition, others in the community will know that certain children are connected to certain parents. Children are the possession of parents, children belong to parents and children are connected to parents. The same is true for a spiritual relationship. God as a spiritual Father has His children as His possession. On the other side of the relationship we as children find security in the relationship knowing that we belong to the Father. Others see the connection of the relationship because the children look and act more and more like their Father.
Before examining more of our spiritual relationship and imitation we need to pause and ask a question. What is a Christian? How would you answer that question? Often in today’s culture people will claim that they are a Christian if they see that it can be a benefit to them. Perhaps the better way to determine what a Christian is would be to examine the life of the individual. Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37-40 that we are to love God and love people. We see John record that love is required for those who claim to be followers of Christ (John 13:34-35). Love is the foundation for the life of a follower of Jesus Christ. God loves us unconditionally and His desire is that we imitate Him. If we believe that Jesus is the example we should follow, we will imitate Him. Our imitation provides proof to everyone else that we are children of our heavenly Father. What we believe will affect the way we live.