A memorial is something done to remember and pay tribute to someone else for what they did or the sacrifices made. Graveyards are full of memorials as you read the tombstones. Historical markers along a highway or at places of important times in history memorialize the actions of valor, bravery, courage and sacrifice. As part of a healthy grieving process we have a memorial service where we remember the life and activities of a loved one. We even have holidays that are specifically designed to remember those who paid with their life for our freedom. These memorials urge those remaining and the following generations to remember the past and live in the present in light of the past. The problem is that memories are really good but often they are really short. I think that is exactly why Jesus gave his followers instructions to remember Him (Luke 22:17-20). Paul in His first letter to the Corinthian church calls the church to a look back and remember what Christ had done for them. His sacrifice on the cross paying for sin requires a look back to remember His grace shown toward us. But, like any good memorial the remembrance of of the past should affect the present and the future. If we truly value Christ and His sacrifice in the past for us we should then live in such a way as to honor the past and His work for us. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 he records Jesus saying “do this in remembrance of me.” The elements of the Lord’s Supper or Communion are to remind us spiritually of Christ’s sacrifice for our sin, but there is more. In taking these elements, in memorial, the believer affirms that this is what they believe that Christ died, was buried and was raised to life. By taking these we look back and reaffirm our belief and we look forward by proclaiming or telling of the Lord’s death until He comes (1 Corinthians 11:26). Our past and is is not where God wants us to dwell. That has been forgiven through Christ and we now live a new life displaying and telling of the transformation that only Christ could accomplish. May we live as changed people that seek to serve and honor God with our lives because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. That is a memorable living memorial.