One of my favorite stories is about an elderly couple who seemed to be having a bad morning. The old man was reading the morning newspaper and his wife was banging pans and dishes in the kitchen. She was not happy. Finally she slammed down a plate of food in front of her husband. He dropped the edge of the newspaper, looked at his wife and asked what was wrong. With a little quiver in her voice she looked at him and said, “You never tell me that you love me any more.” The old man thought for a moment and replied, “Well, I told you that I loved you when we got married and if that ever changes I’ll let you know.” That is probably not the best way to handle that conversation, but in the humor of the story I think we can see ourselves and our relationship with God. You see, we have a habit of walking through life and perhaps not recognizing God’s consistent faithful love and care. He shows us the greatness of His love through Jesus and the gift of salvation. At times the difficulties and pain of life may lead us to doubt God’s faithful love and we miss seeing His on going care and provision. It is at that point we begin to doubt that we are still loved. Paul reminds us that nothing will ever be able to separate us from God’s love (39). Right now, you may feel like you are drowning in fear and doubting if God sees you and cares about you. If you believe in Christ as Savior and are trusting Him for salvation you are secure in the love that God has for you. Do not fear. God always loves you and always will. His love never changes.