At one time we lived close to several hydroelectric dams. These were simply made by moving mountains of earth to stop the flow of a river and create a huge lake. The water was then funneled through a series of pipes and turbines that would spin enormous generators and produce electricity. I remember being able to take a tour inside of the dam and see its operation. It was fascinating to see the 10 large generators at work providing power for many people. On the other hand, I have seen the power of storms knock out the electric lines and leave our community without electricity for almost a week. Shortly after the storm, various neighbors had their own personal generators started and were powering their own homes. Each of these produced power. One was for the benefit of the individual and one for the benefit of many. The use of power to benefit the group or the individual is what Micah writes about as he begins chapter 3. This is the prophets’s second message of this book which contains the emphasis of loving mercy. God, through the prophet Micah critiques the self centered action of national rulers (1-4), false prophets (5-8), and local leaders (9-12). In bringing judgment on these powerful people Micah highlights the ways in which they incorrectly used their power and position for their benefit. Each did not use their power and position to display mercy to those that they were given to serve. For us today, the lessons are clear. We must love God and the mercy that He has shown to us, even though we are undeserving. We must act by faith, using God’s power, to display His mercy to others. Our words are to be saturated with God’s Word in order to communicate God’s mercy. Do you love God’s mercy that brings change to your life?
For more see MICAH