All he wanted was rest, but if he stopped he would freeze to death. The old story talks about a cold dark night and a man who just wanted to get home. In the process of his travel he decided to take a shortcut. Soon he was in unknown territory. With a wet snow coming down he became disoriented but gained hope as he saw another man’s tracks and began to follow them. After a while he thought he recognized an old tree so he broke a branch to mark the spot. Several hours later he approached an old tree and noticed a broken branch. That is when he realized that he was lost, walking in circles following his own steps. He needed a new direction in order to get home. So he changed where he was looking from the ground to the sky. Using the moon as his reference point he plotted a new course and after another four hours of walking he saw the lights of home.
With all that has gone on in our world in the last few months people are tired of wandering and feeling lost and in need of rest. They are tired of staying home, tired of limitations… they are physically tired and emotionally tired. We want to get back to a normal life where we can find value, satisfaction, and rest from our daily activities. We desire, what we view as normal to refresh and renew us. However, is that all that we should be hoping for? The ongoing conditions in our world should give all of us a pause to examine our ways. In comparison to God’s way. In Jeremiah 6:16 the prophet presents God’s message and challenges the people to examine their ways and choose the wisest way for their life. God offers a rest for the soul that is refreshing and renewing. Like the people of Jeremiah’s day we need to examine our ways and choose God’s way to find complete rest for our soul. We need to make sure we are going in the right direction on the right path.