Babies are cute when they are born. They don’t do much other than eat and sleep… Well, OK, they do some other things but we won’t talk about that. As children grow they go through stages of growth physically and mentally. One way you might see a mental change is when they start to use the word “why.” Frustrated parents will hear the word repeated, at times, with out end. Although Habakkuk is not a child he questions God regarding His actions (1:12-17). God patiently provides the answers in chapter 2. However, do you see how God responds in Habakkuk 2:1-5? The answer is redirected away from what others are doing to an emphasis on being righteous. Those who are righteous will live by faith. A life of faith is lived even though God’s actions are not understood. Habakkuk is to believe in God alone and act on that belief by living faithfully for God. We never possess faith in God when we in our pride have a better way. Living by faith is the daily practice of confidence in God.