How are you doing? That is a simple question that can lead to a long conversation. In the course of our daily schedule we may hear that question and respond with the simple answer of, “good” or “fine.” Those answers do not accurately describe what is really going on deep inside. It is easy to use those words to avoid pain and an honest conversation. But, on the other side it is way too easy for some one to ask the question and keep walking while not waiting for our response. In Psalm 34:15-18 we see that the LORD is attentive when we call out to Him. He does hear and He will save. He is concerned about the broken pieces of our life and He delivers from discouragement. Right now, if you feel isolated and alone call a friend or perhaps be the friend who makes the call. Talk about how you are doing and what God is doing to help you through this time. So… How are you doing?