The first of April is known as April Fools’ Day. This is simply a day where certain ones of our friends or associates will create something that seems real yet is not real in order to play a prank on our gullible minds. Our minds have come to understand and accept what is normal and when there is a new change we want to accept it as well. In 1957, the BBC news reported that there was an excellent harvest of spaghetti in Switzerland. There were even pictures of workers harvesting spaghetti from tree branches. Some people even called the news station to inquire how to start their own spaghetti tree. They were told to place spaghetti noodles in tomato sauce and see what happens. We may laugh at the misfortune of some, but we still have people in our world that reject the greatest reality as nothing more than a hoax. In Ephesians 3:1-13 Paul reminds the church of the reality of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection that unites people through salvation in Jesus Christ. That is good news! This display of God’s grace was, as Paul says, a mystery now revealed (2-6) that he is now privileged to share with others (7-9). His message (10-12) is simply to proclaim that Jesus is alive and has accomplished salvation through His death and resurrection. That is good news and not a joke.
For more see EPHESIANS