Palm Sunday begins the Biblical record of Jesus entering Jerusalem, with people praising Him and welcoming Him. However, by the end of the week the same people were mocking Him and seeking His death. This is known as the Passion Week. The people are passionate about a new king that is coming to save them, but they only see a political savior. The religious leaders are passionate about killing Jesus, because they only see a spiritual rival. However, Jesus is passionate about people that are lost in sin. He comes as the perfect sacrifice, because He is the only one able to save from sin. From our perspective we might wonder how God could work out His perfect plan of salvation in the midst of misconceptions and misconstrued justice. The trial that Jesus faced was unfair and unjust, yet Jesus offered His life to take our sin and its judgment on Himself. One might wonder if God really knew what was going on. God did, because in eternity past the Godhead knew that sin would corrupt the world and its people. Therefore, it was decided that Jesus would enter the world to provide the payment for sin once and for all. Only God was pure enough to pay for sin, but God is eternal and cannot die. This required that God become man, in order that through the perfect life and death of Jesus we might have new life in Him. That is God’s will ruling the events of time to make His ultimate plan for salvation a reality. Isaiah 46:10 says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” To know God’s sovereign will for our life we must submit to Jesus and His rule in our life. Have you done that? Are you doing that?