There are times I have been caught in the kitchen with tears streaming down my face. No matter what I do I can not get rid of the tears. The cause of this personal predicament is nothing more than having the task of slicing an onion. However, onions are best after they have been cooked. It is interesting how a little heat and butter tenderizes and caramelizes the onion to make it a tasty addition to many food dishes. In much the same way the heat of suffering is one way that God uses to soften our character in order to display His grace. Peter writes to help his audience see the grace of God in the heat of suffering. God will sustain them through His grace and help them tell others of His grace in the midst of trials. Trials do not define the believer in Jesus Christ. Trials refine us as we rely on the grace of God to help us live for Him in the trial. God is shaping your character in the heat of your trial and that is a good thing.