With natural disasters seemingly on the rise and conflicts brewing around the world many people are looking for ways to survive. One of those ways involves survival food or freeze dried food in packages that can be stored for up to 25 years. The survival food industry is booming with an estimated value of over 5 million nationally and into the billions internationally. The idea is that if disaster strikes a person can survive without any other source of help. As we examine Ruth 4 we see that God faithfully provides hope and blesses Naomi with a faithful daughter-in-law and Ruth with a faithful husband in Boaz. God is not only concerned with the present but also the future as He gives Ruth and Boaz a son who will carry on the family name. The emphasis of this chapter is on the future and hope. If God did not work in Boaz and the meeting at the city gate there is no future hope for Naomi and Ruth. Who holds your future? Is your future hope found in the things that help you survive or is your future found in God who holds the future? We desperately try to save ourselves and our future but have a real hard time trusting God with our future. Remember that throughout this book we have seen that God is a faithful redeemer who saves. Do you know Him as savior? We must admit that we need a savior, fully believe that God alone can save and that God provides redemption through Jesus the savior and redeemer. When we admit that we need a savior and trust in God to save, then God provides a future with hope.
For more see Ruth