The 2004 sports film titled Miracle reenacts the journey of the 1980 American Olympic Hockey team and their quest to win Olympic gold. The pivotal moment in this movie comes after a lackluster performance in an exhibition game against Norway. Even though they tied the Norwegian team the coach, Herb Brooks, made them stay and skate long after the ice arena shut down for the night. Herb Brooks continually instructs that they skate the on ice drill one more time. Finally, the exhausted team captain hollers his name and states that he plays for the United States. That moment ended the drill and solidified the team as they now understood that they played for one team and for one purpose. In Exodus 11 God now says that He will act one more time “so that My wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt” (Exodus 11:9). Previously, God had sent 9 plagues with increasing levels of intensity yet Pharaoh refused to submit. One would think that by this time Egypt and Israel would have learned the power of God. However, God was working to multiply how the Egyptians and Israelites viewed His greatness. He wanted His people to know that He alone was the sovereign God above all who deserves their complete submission and loyal following. God displayed His power multiple times through the plagues in order to build faith in Him alone. Today, just like Moses, we may be impatiently waiting for God to finish what He is doing. We want God to deliver but we have not seen it. When we find ourselves in that situation we need not fear because God is at work. We need faith to see that God is at work and we need to follow His plans that always work.