Some of you may groan, while some of you will shout with joy. Why? Well, in a couple of months we will see our first snow. The arrival of snow brings various winter activities including hockey. In the game of hockey the opposing teams try to score on the opposite goal. When some of the rules of play are broken a penalty is assessed. The player charged with the penalty is removed from playing for at least two minutes while his team must play shorthanded. That is called a power play. With this advantage the stronger team presses to score a goal over the weaker team. In much the same way we see a power play take place in Exodus 7:1-13, except Pharaoh incorrectly believes that he has the advantage. God makes His plan of action very clear to Moses (1-4) and outlines His purpose (5). God states what He will do and that the goal is for the Egyptians to know that He is the LORD. God directs Moses with His ability and works by His power (8-13) to display His strength to Pharaoh. For us today we must follow God’s leading. Like Moses, the advancement of God’s message should be our passion. We must believe that the plans of God are only accomplished through God’s power, while the resistance to God’s message is God’s problem. As believers in Jesus Christ we are called to live these principles by faith following His leadership as His people. Moses submitted to God’s leadership in his life while Pharaoh resisted God’s power. When we follow God’s leading we submit to His power and submit to His work through our lives. Like Moses, we need to allow God’s power to be displayed through us so others can know that the LORD alone is God. That is God’s power play.